Carnegie Mellon University (alalan at cs dot cmu dot edu)
arshika77 at gmail dot com
Machine Learning Theory and Applications Research
I am a Master of Science student in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University, where I am learning to conduct specialized theoretical and applied machine learning research through PhD-level coursework.
Previously, I worked as a predoctoral researcher at Google DeepMind (formerly Google Research India), focusing on developing robust reinforcement learning algorithms to build a policy for efficiently delivering health awareness information in underserved communities in India.
Before that, I was a Research Assistant at the Kreiman Lab at Harvard University, where I worked on adopting continual learning algorithms for continuous domain adaptation.
My research interests lie in building and refining theoretical approaches to machine learning challenges in generative AI, reinforcement learning, and language models. I aim to contribute to the development of robust and adaptive AI systems that can effectively sense, interact with, and adapt to dynamic environments.
My resume is available here.
I graduated from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani in 2022. I enjoy writing as a medium of creative expression and you can find some of my works here, here and here. I also am a avid reader, you can find my reading list here.
- [Aug 2024] Joined Carnegie Mellon University as a masters student in the Machine Learning Department!
- [Feb 24] Our work on Improving Health Information Access in the World’s Largest Maternal Mobile Health Program via Bandit Algorithms was accepted at the Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2024 was presented as an Oral Presentation at AAAI
- [May 23] Our preliminary work on Analyzing and Predicting Low-Listenership Trends in a Large-Scale Mobile Health Program was accepted at the Data Science for Social Good Workshop, KDD 2023 as an Oral Presentation
- [Dec 22] Our work on Adherence Bandits, a specialized RMAB subclass designed to address the complexities of adherence within the domain of public health got accepted at the Artificial Intelligence for Social Good Workshop, AAAI 2023
- [Aug 22] Joined Google AI India as Pre-Doctoral Reseacher! Working with Milind Tambe within MASSI.
- [Aug 21] Joined the Kreiman Lab at Harvard University!
- [Oct 21] Our work on ** a biologically inspired an SNN-based SDM utilizing N-of-M encoding** was aceepted at the Bernstein Conference 2021.
- [Aug 20] Accepted to CBMM’s Brain, Minds and Machines Summer School!
Improving Health Information Access in the World’s Largest Maternal Mobile Health Program via Bandit Algorithms
Oral Presentation @ Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 2024)
Analyzing and Predicting Low-Listenership Trends in a Large-Scale Mobile Health Program: A Preliminary Investigation
Oral Presentation @ Data Science for Social Good Workshop, KDD 2023
Adherence Bandits
Artificial Intelligence for Social Good Workshop, AAAI 2023
Continual Learning and Out of Domain Generalization in Continuous Domain Adaptation
Undergraduate Thesis 2022
Sparse Distributed Memory Using Spiking Neural Networks on Nengo
Bernstein Conference 2021
Epigraphiology: A Hybrid Approach for Measuring and Analyzing Influence Diffusion in Article Networks
Journal of Scientometric Research